BCM Photo Gallery

Straight Testimony

Fatal Flood Gate

Jesus I AM statements

The Sabbath

Three Angels 1

Three Angels 2

Three Angels 3

Three Angels 4

Three Angels 6

Three Angels 7

Three Angels 8

Three Angels 9

Three Angels 10

Three Angels 11

Three Angels 12

Three Angels 13

Three Angels 14

Three Angels 15

Human Heart

Apostasy - Extract from New Gen 1

Apostasy - New Gen Extract 2

Apostasy - New Gen Extract 3

Apostasy - New Gen Extract 4

Apostasy - New Gen 5

Apostasy - New Gen 6

Shadow of the Cross

Moses Anointing Aaron as Priest

Sanctuary Cardinal Points

Sanctuary - Altar of Sacrifice

Sanctuary - Banners

Priest in Sanctuary

Sanctuary - The Camp

Sanctuary - Inner Court

The Temple

The 12 Tribes

Tribes around the Sanctuary

Sanctuary and Camp

Sanctuary - Furniture Position

Sanctuary - Furniture Placement

Tabernacle Camp Tribe Names

Tabernacle Furnishings

Sanctuary Court etc.

Priest at Laver

Sanctuary 2

Priest in Holy Place

Tabernacle Moses Jesus

Priest at Table of Shewbread

The Sanctuary - Interior

The Holy Place - Priest

Sanctuary 4

Jesus Birth - Angels

Jesus Draws All Men

Jesus as High Priest - Most Holy Place

Family Worship - Prayer

Sea Captain

Jesus - the Multitude

Jesus Heals the Sick

Mad Nebuchadnezzar


Feet of Iron and Clay

Widow's Mite


Earth Beast

Cup Bearer

Garden of Eden

Moses Found on River

Moses ; Rod into Snake

Noah's Ark

Birds and Flowers

Birds on the Ground

Student and Elderly

Preacher in Church

Hitler with Mussolini

Daniel Refused King's meat

Daniel and Nebuchadnezzar

Daniel - Image and Beasts

Persecution - Lions

Sanctuary Lamb Priest

Jesus and Saints Triumphant

Jesus on Cross



Space Tourist

People Stealing

Prayers of Thanks for Rescue

New Year Worship

Muslims Pray on Mount Arafat in Saudi Arabia

Space Tourist - Dennis Tito

Sports Fans

Students Being Helped

4 Horses

Fruits From Canaan

Hand with Coins

Helping - Bales of Clothes

Pathfinder Anti drug March

Grand Canyon

Jamaican Flag

Jesus and the Rabbis

Jesus and Children

King Jesus!

Daniel interpreting image

Neb's Troubling Dream

Nebuchadnezzar 2

Head of Gold

Neb's Dream

Head of Gold 2

Breast and Arms of Silver

Belly & Thigh of Brass

Legs of Iron

Feet of Iron & Clay

Daniel Tells & Interprets Neb's Dream

Those Who Tried to Unite Europe Failed

Rock Cut Out Without Hands!

Daniel Interprets Ne's Dream 2

Christ and His Cross

Daniel Tells & Interprets Neb's Dream 3

Image & World Empires

Last Supper


Road to Emmaus & Jesus Revealed

Jesus Preaching in Synagogue

Bible Prophet Writing

Jesus & 2 Disciples at Emmaus


Open - Winged Dove

Hands - Praying - Bible Opened

Jesus - Agony in Gethsemane

Opened Bible with Pen

Lady Studying Bible

Jesus Pointing to Bible

Apostles Preaching

Opened Bible Beside Lamp

Resurrected Jesus & 2 Disciples


Jesus Knocking at Door

Black Horse & Rider

Boy King

The Parousia

Trumpet - Silhouette

Destruction of the Earth

People Group - Parousia

Parousia - Angels & Clouds

Destruction of the Wicked

Saints Resurrected

Jesus' Second Coming

Jesus Comes and Delivers His People

Jesus Teaching on the Mount

Jesus Coming on White Horse

The Second Coming of Christ

Hand Sewing Needle

Thread Through Eye of Needle

Noah's Ark

Sodom Destroyed

Jim Jones, etc.

Soon End of Time

Jesus Comes - Families Reunited

Thief in the Night

Jesus and Multitudes Robed in White

Destruction of the Earth

Look UP - Jesus is Coming

The New Earth

Jesus Second Coming 2


Lucifer - Envy

Angel X

Lucifer - Cast Out

Lucifer - Proud

Satan - Cosmic Conflict

Angel Y


Woman and Dragon


Jesus - Gethsemane

Bible and Sword

Family - In Window Frame


Jesus - Friend Counsellor

Jesus - Teaching the Crowd

Daniel - Lions Den

Satan Bound

Decision Time - Choose Christ

Old Man - Thinking

Jesus Crucified between Two Thieves

King Neb

Abraham Sacrificing Isaac

Sacrifice of Isaac - Foreshadow of Christ's Sacrifice

Jesus on Cross - The Reality was No Clothes

3 Angels Z

Earth on Fire

In the Arms of Jesus

Jesus - Friend, Saviour

Jesus and Nicodemus

4th Commandment - The Sabbath

Open Bible - Lamp

Dove 2

Moses - Commandments on Stone

Lady Studying God's Word

Jesus Beckoning to Commandments

Breaking the Commandments


Jesus Pointing to the Commandments

Jesus - On the Cross

Moses about to Throw 10 Commandments

Jesus Leading His Sheep


Chiseling Out the Sabbath from God's Law

We will be Judged by the Law of God

Jesus is Coming

Christ Comes and Delivers His Saints

Christ Crucified - People Look from Afar

Daniel - No Flesh Food

Commandments and Priest

The Dragon and the Woman Standing on the Moon

Baby - Sleeping

Jesus and a Family

Sanctuary - Camp and Pillar of Cloud

Egyptian Slavery

Adam and Eve - Garden of Eden

Adam and Eve - Garden of Eden 2

Jesus - 10 Commandments

Jesus Reaches Out to the World

Jesus - Synagogue - Reading from the Scriptures

Jesus Preaching - Synagogue

Group of People

Decalogue - The Standard in the Judgment

Pure Woman Standing on the Moon

New Earth

Identifying the True Sabbath

Writing - Candlelight

Sunrise or Sunset

John Shown the Future - Isle of Patmos

Jesus Arms Opened to the World

Jesus and the Word of God

7th Day Sabbath

Queen of Sheba and Solomon

Place Prepared - New Jerusalem

New Jerusalem

New Jerusalem 2

New Jerusalem - River

New Earth - Lion, Children

Jesus and Redeemed

Jesus Comes!

Two Women at Tea

New Earth - Children With Jesus

New Earth 2

Get rid of Evil Soul Destroying Vices

Jesus Cares

The Deceiver

Satan's Lie Continues

Pointing to Glory!

Adam Created

Man Created from Dust

Man Goes Back to Dust


Preaching the Word!

Satan's 1st Lie Continues - State of the Dead

John Writes the Revelation of Jesus Christ

Lazarus Come Forth!

Crystal Balls

False Christs

Tarot Cards - Evil

Seances - Evil, Satanic

Jesus Comes Forth from the Grave

Jesus Calls - Come to Him Today!

Deception - Idol Worship

A Crucifixion Scene

Lot's Wife Becomes a Pillar of Salt


Graveyard 3

Adam and Eve Expelled from Eden

Petrified Bodies

Globe on Fire

Persecution - Flogging

Hellfire Depicted

Group of People 2

Firefighter Battling an Inferno

Ancient Ruins


Jesus With Children - New Earth

Abraham - Looking at the stars!

Give to the poor


John the Baptist - A Message to Repent

Naaman Cleansed from Leprosy

Jesus' Death Burial and Resurrection

Jesus' Baptism - An Example!

Phillip Baptized the Ethiopian Eunuch

Resurrected Christ

Jesus and Nicodemus

A Marriage

Jesus and His Disciples

Jesus and the Woman Caught in Adultery

Persecution - Flogging

Jesus Speaks to the Multitude

Pentecost - Holy Ghost Outpouring - Tongues of Fire

Nutrition in Some Foods

Sources of Vegetable Protein

Healthiest Foods

Blood Pressure

Blood Pressure Chart

Health Check

Food is Medicine

God's Natural Healers


Vegetables etc. That Are Good for the Heart

Foods to Eat Regularly

Food Groups for Health and Healing

Health and Wellness

High Blood Pressure Explained

God's "Pharmacy"



8 Laws of Health

Blood Pressure Chart

Blood Pressure Check

BP Check


Fruit for Health

Fruit of the Spirit

God's Health Plan

Lipid Profile

Health Benefits of Exercise

Gold Medal to the Pope (1978)

Eschatology Chart 2

Eschatology Chart

E. G. White - 1

Twin Institutions

Twin Institutions - 2

A Sleeping Church

Sleeping Church - 2

Pope and B. B. Beach

No Time to Haul Down Our Colours

Sanctuary - Central Pillar

Identifying the 7th Day Sabbath

Jesus in the Scriptures

The Law of God - The Sabbath

Chiseling Out God's Sabbath

The Scriptures and a Lamp

National Sunday Law - Book; cover.

The Sabbath is Special

Signs of the Times - Book; cover.

What Baptism Represents: Death Burial Resurrection

Sunday vs Sabbath / Saturday

Calendar Change Did Not Affect Week Cycle

3 Angels Messages / Jesus' Second Coming

A Seal / Stamp

Anti-Christ Changed Sabbath Day

Trampling on God's Law

Who is Lord of the Sabbath

Jesus with Adam and Eve and Animals

The Mercy of the Lord

The Sabbath - God's Seal!

Jesus Reading from the Scrolls

Keep the Sabbath Holy

Pope Paul II


Saturday is Still the 7th Day

Remember the Sabbath Day

Seventh Day Sabbath - Tract

The Sabbath, Distinct, Special

What was Jesus' Bible?

The 10 Commandments - Standard of the Judgment

Jesus Preaching in the Synagogue

Keep God's Sabbath Holy

Keeping the Sabbath Holy

Sabbath - A Day of Rest

Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath


Sunday Stamp or Seal

The Bible has Light!

Who Made Sunday Sacred?

The Sabbath Commandment

Sabbath - A Day of Rest

Persecution for Keeping Sabbath

Who Made Sunday Sacred? (Colour)

Sabbath - Earth's Birth Certificate

Sabbath Seal - 2

The Sabbath - Whose Day is it?

Honour God's Sabbath


Sabbath - Sunset

The Seal of God - 2

Sabbath Seal - 3

The Sabbath Seal vs. 666

Sabbath Seal - 3

Sabbath Seal - 4

God's Seal - Name - Title - Territory

Sabbath Seal - 5

The Seventh Day - 2

Open Bible - Praying Hands

The Seventh Day - 4

Seven - Branched Candlestick

Seal of God - 6

Christianity is Observable


Baptism in Pool

The Parousia - 3

Resurrection - United Families

Dark Globe

Satan Bound - 2

Golden Image Worship - 3 DO NOT BOW

John on Patmos

Dry Bones - Lots of Skulls

Model of Daniel 2 Vision

Jesus - clothed - in Jordan

Picture of ...

Depiction of People Bowing Down

Hellfire - 2nd Death

Jesus Over the World

Angels - 8

4 Beasts of Daniel - 7

Composite Sea Beast - Revelation 13

Harlot Woman Riding the Beast

Dragon Cast out of Heaven

Massive Crowd!

The Beast Identified - Blasphemy

Picture - 2

Pope Arrested by Berthier - 1798

False Revival

Quadruplet... ?

Pope ...

Pope - 3

The Fiery Furnace

Cain Kills Abel

Angels Holding the 4 Winds of Strife

A Caesar Using a Seal (or Stamp)

A Mark in Forehead? Or in hand?

Man Kneeling in a Church

Mark in the Forehead (Not a Literal Mark!)

USA & Canada

Decalogue Written by God's Finger!

2 Catholic Cardinals

Trumpet - in the Dark / at Sunset

Pope Signing Document

John - Heavenly Sanctuary - Isle of Patmos

John Sees Jesus Walk Between Candlesticks

Sanctuary and Furniture

A Lamb About to be Sacrificed

The Sanctuary - 6

Ark of the Covenant

Moses with the 10 Commandments

Crown of Thorns

Animal About to be Sacrificed

Jesus Drives Out the Money Changers

High Priest

Jesus - Heavenly High Priest

Jesus - Heavenly High Priest 2

Noah Building the Ark

Jesus is in Control of the Ship

High Priest - Altar of Incense

Jesus - Heavenly High Priest 3

Significance of and Events Surrounding the Cross

The he Goat with 2 Great Horns

The he goat and the ram clash

The Great Horn was Broken

Solomon's Wisdom - Whose Baby is it?

Daniel Prays Despite Death Threat

Hour Glass

Books - Bible - Study the Word

The King Signs the Decree - Aimed at Daniel's Demise

Jacob's Ladder - Dream

Picture - 4

Tithing - 1/10th is God's Own

Angel - 5

The 70 Weeks Prophesy of the Messiah

High Priest 3

The 2300 Years - Timeline

Judgment - Gavel

Flawless Records Taken by Angels are Used in the Judgment

Satan claims the world now. Hell is reserved for him. Matt. 25:41

Jesus can be our ADVOCATE in the Judgment 1 John 2:4

Jesus on the Cross 4

Jesus on the Cross - Veil of the Temple

Woman Standing on the Moon and the Great Red Dragon

Jesus on a Cloud - Ascending to Heaven. Acts 1:9 - 11

The Dragon Sends a Flood of Water at the Woman

The Woman Flies and Finds Refuge as the Earth Swallows the Water

Holy Bible - 2

A Stadium Sized Church

Baptism - 3

Beams of Light - Clouds

Open Bible With Pen and Ink

Money ($US) Offering in a Plate

Children Selling Lemonade

Man in Ski Mask With Hand Gun

2 Men in Ski Masks with Long Guns

Man Smoking Cigar - Looking Gleeful

Idol Worship

Your Future is Bright With Jesus

Harlot Woman With Cup of Wine of Babylon

Ill - Gotten Wealth

Jesus in Gethsemane 2

Zacchaeus in the Tree

Crowd at Mosque

Salome and Herod

Woman Riding the Beast in the Sea

Jacob's Dream

7 Headed 10 Horned Beast

4 Hebrew Youth Rejects the King's Meat

Jesus Cares 2

Tower of Babel

Papal Gathering - Purple & Scarlet Colours

Religious Meeting

Variety of Fruits


Holy Alliance

Animals Coming to Noah's Ark

Statue of Liberty

Tongues Like Frogs

Bill Clinton and Pope Paul II

Gathering Manna

Adam and Eve 2

Eating from the Hand

Wine is a Mocker

Man Smoking from Pipe

Beef Cattle

Fish - Problems with Mercury


Animals Going Into the Ark - 2

Transporting Pig on Bicycle

Eating Flaming Food

Sumo Wrestlers Eating Food

New Earth 4

Refusing the King's Meat - 4 Friends

Meat Being Served - Daniel et al.

Peter's Dream - Great Sheet With Unclean Animals


Preacher of Repentance

John the Baptist Points to Jesus

People by the Jordan Listening to John

Mother and Daughter

Glass of Wine Beside Grapes

Sampson Pushes on Two Columns of Temple


Church 2

On a Mountain Top

David Shepherd Boy

Gambling at Slot Machines

Man and Woman Walking

Man Studying Bible

Jesus Conquered Death

Moses Before Pharaoh

Woman and Baby

Noah's Ark - 3

Preaching in the Temple

Old Prophet



Small Group Preaching

Back Massage Therapy

Ellen Gould White - Visions

The Widow Pouring Oil Into Jar

Widow Preparing Meal for Elijah


Preaching to Crowd

Jesus With Peter James and John

Jesus and ...

Jesus and the Scribes and Pharisees

Reading From Scrolls


Back Massage

Modern Babylon



Martyr for Jesus Christ

Pope Paul VI

Saul Struck Down Off His Horse

Group of 3 Persons

Jesus Performing Miracle

Sunday Sacredness Seal

Man in Workroom or Study

The Resurrected Christ

Tower of Babel 2

Joyful - Redeemed

Seal of God 3

The Rapture and Second Coming

Earthly Treasures

White Robes and Palms

The Mark of the Beast then Jesus Second Coming

Working in Rice Field

Hand - Writing on the Wall

David - Shepherd Youth

John Huss - Martyr; Trial

Man Reading Bible - Sitting on Settee

William Tyndale Working - In Printery

God Communes with Adam and Eve - Illustration

Kitchen Decor

Small TV

People on Street - Drawing, Bible Times

Armor of God - Book Cover

Astronomy - Picture 1

Astronomy - Picture 2

Jesus' Second Coming 7

Lovely Jamaican Fruits

Pathfinders - Marching; Parade

The Whole Armour of God

The 4 Horsemen 1

Solar Oven - Lentils Cooked

Pope's Triple Tiara

Names of the Beast System - 666

Names of the Beast System 666 - 2

Identifying the Beast System

Healthy Meal 1

Catholic vs. God's 10 Commandments

Daniel 2 Infographic

Major Catholic Holidays

Crucifiction Weekend

Feast Days in Type and Antitype