The Christian Church has been bombarded with rock music for several years now - and it is spreading to more and more congregations. Some say that "Christian Rock" (an oxymoron if ever there was one!) is good for the church and that the church is "boring" without it. But, what is the real issue with this "Rock Music"? Is it really good for the church? Is it good for use in worshipping God? Is the type of music that is used to offer praise and worship to The King of the Universe important? Some dare say that rock music is necessary in order to attract more people, especially young people, to the church (some of which are either dying or dead!). To say the very least, I am extremely cautious of such reasoning. I seem to remember that the Bible says that JESUS said: "And I, if I be lifted up from the earth will draw all men unto me". Jesus said this because of the death He would die. The contemplation of the cross of Calvary is what will draw people to the church! Not rock music! Is it possible that some have run too quickly to embrace this kind of music in the church - not knowing it is really fire in their bosom? Here's the million-dollar question: "Is it possible that this popularization of rock music in the church is an attack of Satan?